What is the most important chemical reaction that occurs in a lime kiln called?
The reaction that occurs in lime kiln is called calcining, the conversion of calcium carbonate to calcium oxide.
What is recausticizing?
Recausticizing is the process of converting the chemicals in spent cooking liquor back to their original form so that they can be re-used in the kraft pulping process.
What are the three major process sections of a rotary lime kiln?
The three major sections are defined by the processes which occur within them. They are the evaporation, heating and calcining sections.
What kinds of pollutants may be a in the exhaust gas from kiln?
Exhaust gas from from kiln typically has high levels of particulate which must be removed. It may also contain sulfur-compounds which need to be removed.
What can happen if poorly washed lime mud enters the kiln?
Poor washing will introduce sodium compounds into the kiln which may lead to the formation of rings within the kiln.